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Our Charities

Since our inception, in 1916 WCD has undertaken projects to benefit our community, and have given monetary donations and volunteered our services to support various charities.  Our Charity Committee has vetted and the Board has approved the charities below: 

Bridge to Life: The Bridge to Life, Inc. is an organization dedicated to helping needy pregnant women and their children. Their mission is to ensure a safe and healthy birth of a child and the well-being of the mother.

Hour Children of Long Island City: (Which is named to acknowledge the important hours that shape the life of a child with an incarcerated mother).  This organization has helped these women and their children successfully rejoin the community, reunite with their families and build healthy, independent and secure lives ending the cycle of intergenerational incarceration.

Center for the Women of New York - The Center for the Women of New York helps women overcome financial, violence, social, wellness, and legal issues by raising awareness and advocating for full gender equality for women, understanding their needs, and connecting them with CWNY services, nonprofit partner organizations, and public resources to aid, uplift, and address their challenges.

Ozanam Hall Nursing Home of Queens: We collect toiletries for the members for the Christmas Holiday Season. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - WCD visits the headquarters of one of our sponsored charities "Bridge to Life" - WCD's sponsored a tree leaf to support their "Tree of Life" campaign. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023 -  Bridge to Life Baby Shower

Saturday, April 9, 2022 - Collection of used household items, women's, men's, children's used clothes were donated to Hour Children

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November 2020 - Holiday Gift Collection for the Ozanam Hall Nursing Home residents


September 2020

Virtual Fundraiser to benefit our charities.

Our Woman's Club of Douglaston Annual Luncheon and Meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic this year, but in lieu of this, we held a Virtual Fundraiser which was a complete success.  

We thank our members and friends for their generosity and support.  

Linda Akers

Annual Luncheon Chairwoman


Clichere for video of the drawing of our raffle winners.  

Virtual Fundraiser.jpg

March 30, 2020 

Woman's Club of Douglaston joined forces with our local Garden Club and sewed masks to be donated to Elmhurst Hospital, Queens Hospital Center Mount Sinai Hospital, and Volunteers of America - Greater NY - Jamaica Armory Shelter for Women, in an effort to help our first responders during the epic 2020 World Corona Virus Pandemic. 

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